Alice Ann Collins

Live streamed from 11am Wednesday August 25

Service proudly conducted by….


Thank you everybody for attending this memorial for my dear mother.
I owe so much of my growing up, as well as my physical, social and spiritual development to my mother.
She was always very proper and insisted that i contribute to and build up society.
From an early age at her knee she taught me to be God-fearing and obedient.
Right up until this year she still wanted to know if I was doing the right things in my life, sometimes she would ring me and ask “Marty I hope that you are not doing anything stupid in your life” and I would always be reminded that she is Mum and she loves and cares for me.
In these last few days since her passing, because I’m in isolation for being a close contact at my workplace, I have felt her spirit and I still feel her presence instructing me and guiding me.
For me she hasn’t really gone away, she’s just here close to me still, a mother never really stops caring for her children.